Hospital Day 1 Rick and I met Heather at Clearview Medical Center. at 6:30 am. I was called back pretty quick. Dr came in and informed me that he had prayed for me and was very encouraging. I went to Operating room at 7:30 and when they put the oxygen mask on that's all I remember..
Woke up from anesthesia with oxygen and CPS machine on. Moving my leg up and down. I had a button I could push as often as needed to get .25 of Dalotted.
Dr said there was allot of Synovitis which is inflammation caused from Lupus. They had to do a lot of cutting that out, as well as the arthritis and trimming bone and fitting knee.
I had some Ginger ale and was taken up to my room about noon....I think...
I was able to remove the oxygen and settled in. I never thought the pain would be this intense...horrible.. In the first hour I hit that button 160 times but only 11 of them actually gave me meds.. Ha... The nurse said she had never seen that high of number in all her years....ha....
I had a major panic attack a little later in the day..I was hot but cold...I was breathing fine but felt like I couldn't breathe. My head was roaring and I couldn't hear good. The pain was horrible.... It was a night mare...Rick helped me through it...
I found when the grand-babies showed up I felt so much better. We shared dinner and that was nice. They stayed an hour or more and I was getting sleepy so they left. Rick got me all settled in I went to sleep and he went home.
When they did my vitals during the 9:00 pm hour my oxygen level was 82 it's suppose to be over 95. My blood pressure was 57/48. They put me back on the oxygen and I have to suck that ball thingy 10 times every hour.
It's 9:30 pm now. First evening. My leg is going up and down on the machine. I'm watching The Voice. And I'm very tired. Praying for a good nights sleep.
I haven't felt like blogging until today. 1week later. 1 week of endless pain, helplessness and unbelievable that this has been so painful.
2 weeks out....better but been basically doped up with Percocet and Valium round the clock since surgery..
Last Friday started in home PT and yesterday I got my 20 Staples out. I am doing in home PT 3 times a week for the next 3 weeks then out of home PT not sure....according to Dr. I can get in the pool on 4 the of July weekend...we will see...Right now still using my walker to get around. The trip to the Dr sucked out all my energy. I did get back on all my Lupus meds and I slept better last night than I have since surgery.
That's all I've got now. With intentions of writing everyday this is all I have for 2 weeks...who knew????
Isaiah 40:31
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.”